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What is an Estate Plan and Why do I need one?

An Estate Plan "manages an individual's financial affairs in the event of their incapacitation or death." Without a plan the state that you live in will decide what happens to your Estate, and you might not like the results. We work one on one with you, in your home, to gather and organize your paperwork. When we finish you will have a completed file box with all the information that your Estate Planning Attorney needs. You will also have additional information that your family will appreciate - passwords, special instructions and final wishes.

How do I know what papers are important?

You don't have to know because we do! We know what Estate Planners, Hospice Social Workers, AARP and Attorneys recommend.

How long does it take?

Every family is different, some have more complicated lives to organize than others. We appreciate your time and your finances, we are efficient, we work hard to keep you focused and on task.

I already have a Will, isn't that enough?

Having a Will is a great start but there is so much more information that your family needs. Passwords, what bills to pay, who to contact...

I'm not old or sick, why do I need to think about this?

Life is unpredictable, accidents and illness, even death can happen at any time. Good health and youth do not protect us nor prepare or protect our families in time of emergency.

I don't want to think about my death.

Fear of death, even thinking about it or talking about it can be very upsetting. We understand.We also understand that preparing your affairs is an incredible gift that you can leave for your family.

Does Rowing Ducks make my Estate Plan?

No, we help you get your paperwork in order before you see an Estate Planning Attorney or use an online Will program. We are not lawyers and we offer no legal advice.

Do you recommend a specific File Box or system?

There are several great File Box systems, books and workbooks on the market to organize your papers and record your wishes. There are also Digital options to chose from. We use a combination of several systems.
If you already have a book or file box you can use that and we will add our suggestions to complete your planning.

I don't own much, why do I need an Estate Plan?

Estate plans aren't just about mansions and fancy cars and big bank accounts. Besides avoiding Probate, an Estate Plan provides for your loved ones, reduces the chances of family fights over your wishes, and clearly states your wishes about your Medical Care if your health declines suddenly or unexpectedly.

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